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Courses - Stand up Comedy

six week intensive stand-up comedy course in london


4th September to 9th October 2024 - 6:15pm to 9:15pm - plus Showcase evening of  SUNDAY 13th October (at Backyard Comedy Club)


8th September to 13th October 2024 - 2pm to 5pm - plus Showcase evening of SUNDAY 13th October (at Backyard Comedy Club)

Venue: The Comedy School, 14-15 Gloucester Gate, Camden, London, NW1 4HG.

Over six weeks, the course will guide you through the process of becoming a stand-up comedian, from writing your first piece of material to your debut performance

Topics covered include:

Generating Material

Developing Performance Skills

Discovering Your Comic Attitude

Examining Stage Persona

Exploring Joke Structure

Sessions are run by professionals from the comedy circuit. The course culminates with a Showcase, in which you perform a comedy routine to a warm and friendly audience. The show is compèred by a professional stand-up host at:

'Backyard Comedy Club'
[ directions ]

Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green, E2 0EL

* For those wishing to gain CPD credits in a professional capacity, the stated objectives of this course can be sent to you if you contact the office

COST: £295
( £260 concession )

Concession for students, seniors, unemployed, Equity, Members of The Comedy School

[The recommended minimum age for this class is 16. If anyone under 16 would like to attend, we are happy to assess this on an individual basis; please contact us before booking.]

Booking Form 

More Good Stuff

Raise money for The Comedy School's charitable causes while doing your Stand Up Comedy course This is your challenge - the Leader Board

David Ingram raised £4,118.75 towards our Knife crime project. David says: "I would highly recommend the stand up comedy course at The Comedy School. Taking part gave me the confidence and courage to go on stage and fulfil a long held ambition. Not just that; it also gave me the opportunity to meet some great people and raise funds for an incredibly worthy cause. A great experience all round".

Dave Covey - £2,200

Saul Casadio - £2,040

Chris Birdee-Wright - £1,132.64 towards Mental health

Christopher Goddard - £638.75 towards Mental Health

Rebecca Child - £635 towards Knife crime

More information here:

The Comedy School,

14-15 Gloucester Gate,

London, NW1 4HG.