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Learning thru Laughter - About

Communication & Personal Impact Skills . . . for Individuals, Teams & Organisations.

Why The Comedy School?

We draw on a pool of over 40 professional comedians and associates from all walks of life.

We have a proven track record in working in both corporate and public sectors with clients such as PWC, 20th Century Fox, Institute of Actuaries, the NHS, Department of Education, Metropolitan Police, and the Prisons Service.

The Comedy School is a not for profit organisation. Our innovative work of 'Learning Thru Laughter' directly funds our social development programmes across the most vulnerable sectors of society, helping to address issues such as illiteracy, youth knife crime, gang culture, offender rehabilitation and mental health.

Providing personal and team development course is not new. Nor is helping the most vulnerable in society. However it is only through "Learning Thru Laughter" that these unique and professional qualities are brought together in a powerful way that means organisations can help improve their business performance, improve the effectiveness of teams and individuals, whilst also making a significant contribution to society.

The Comedy School has 12 years experience of running vital projects in youth centres, prisons and schools, using comedy and performance to tackle serious issues in an entertaining way that effectively engages young people. It is backed and supported by professional comedians who are household names, the police and various charities.

"The work The Comedy School does is extremely valuable. Using comedy and performance to raise awareness and deliver serious messages to those who otherwise wouldn't listen is a fantastic concept. My experience working with The Comedy School in prisons and Young Offenders' Institutions was very rewarding. It showed me how approaching people with difficult subjects from an entertainment perspective appeals to their nature - and without being preachy." Felix Dexter, Comedian / Performer, Associate of The Comedy School.

The Comedy School is a not for profit organisation incorporated and limited by guarantee with registered charity status. Founded in 1998 by Director Keith Palmer, The Comedy School uses comedy in many areas, from stimulating personal creativity to developing social skills, touching the lives of many people. Comedy, drama and the arts are used to improve social skills, develop confidence and educate about burning issues.

"It's No Joke!", our crime awareness and personal safety education project for young people, explores the legal emotional and physical consequences of blade weapons crime. In 2010, we have completed a 12 week tour in over 100 schools across London reaching over 12,000 young people. More information at

We also work with Offenders by integrating performing arts into Prison Education Policy and Mental Health organisations through voice, music, improvisation mask workshops for patients. Prison work has featured on Channel 4 and BBC3.

What Problem Are We Solving

"Learning Thru Laughter" uses the power of comedy to open up people's minds to learning and personal growth by breaking down barriers and harnessing people's natural abilities.

BBC Radio Interview: How comedy works to improve communication and leadership skills in the corporate and public sectors.

By providing training & development courses and workshops in the corporate and public sector, Learning Thru Laughter helps organisations unlock their creativity. It specialises in communication skills, facilitation, training and team building events through the unique medium of comedy.

Comedy unleashes an individual's confidence to seize the opportunity to improvise with fresh unexpected stimuli, to be aware of one's own persona, whilst also to find common ground through a shared experience.

We'll challenge your way of thinking and communicating.

Helping both internal and customer facing staff improve their communication skills through the medium of comedy builds effective teams, breaks down cultural barriers and enhances performance.

The skills we use to help the most vulnerable of society are equally as powerful and applicable to today's corporate organisational challenges.

These skills have been developed and are used to great effect in building confidence and improving literacy in socially disadvantaged groups with dedicated focus on youth, mental health and prison populations. We can introduce you to those whose lives have been transformed by the power of the performing arts, including ex-offenders.

Delivery of Courses

"Learning Thru Laughter" courses can be tailored and adapted according to your organisation's needs. They can run as either half or full day programmes. They can be enhanced for senior executive leaders through individual coaching from the countries top comedians and improvisation specialists.

These courses are also offered on set dates at The Comedy School in Camden, London, for individuals to participate under their own auspices or as sponsored by an employer or organisation.

What social impact would one standard half day course achieve?

It will pay for one knife awareness "It's No Joke!" course in one school which will reach 200 young people.

More About Courses